Zwick Construction Great Basin Industrial
Contact Us 801-484-1746

Multi-Family Specialists

Representative Projects

Bud Bailey Apartments, Phase 1

Sugar House Apartments

Bud Bailey Apartments, Phase 2

Las Alturas Apartments

The Whittier Apartments

One of Zwick Construction's centers-of excellence is multi-family structures. Our exposure to this market niche has provided a resource of knowledge for owners and developers who are considering a multi-family development.

Multi-Family Housing for Every Pro Forma

There are several different types of mult-family projects. Each requires specific knowlege of processes, techniques and management style.

Podium Construction

When tight-site and high-density is a must, Zwick brings our deep experience in Podium-style multi-family housing. Podium Construction features multiple stories built atop a concrete parking structure. It’s a cost-effective solution that is quickly becoming a standard in high-density housing projects.
Podium construction requires specific project management skills, including structural cast-in-place and precast concrete knowledge, tight-site management, and just-in-time (JIT) and Lean Project methods. Several of Zwick’s multi-family specialists are highly experienced in managing podium construction, and we’ll match your specific needs with our most-experienced personnel.

Garden Apartments

Gardens typically consist of multiple low-rise multi-family units, arranged on a landscaped campus. Unlike Podium style, the Garden style requires knowledge of site work, landscaping, infrastructure, constructing outdoor amenities and managing the concurrent progress of several individual structures.  Weekly project meetings require attendance from an army of subcontractors including tapers, HVAC, painters, roofers, spa & pool specialists and landscapers. Zwick’s multi-family specialists have each delivered projects of this variety, and bring their experience to every project – from preconstruction through completion.

Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and Qualified Action Plan (QAP)

If your corporation is about to begin your state's QAP application process for an LIHTC development, you will need to include expected costs of the project. As an experienced LIHTC builder, Zwick Construction can assist you with this process by providing realistic estimates and schedules, constructability reviews and an experienced resume, reflecting our work in LIHTC developments.
Delta AIr Lines Remodel